All assets / MaskGetuRich / MaskGetuRich0

Asset image

Asset Name:


Asset Type:

Diamond NFT

Currency Acronym:

Total Supply:


Minting Transaction:

1aba5d573221a8ab76c266ece7b202352292840c74039846b93922175b96ed3e Mint

Asset ID:

834980c0338c7c2dde635735796d0bf528d5ae100fe4c23f052ae9605f68a209 Copy

Create Date:

Feb. 2, 2024, 7:59 a.m.

Currency Description:

During Chinese New Year people like the God of Wealth very much. And Elon Musk is the God of Wealth in the crypto world. So I made an NFT of Elon Musk dressed up as the God of Wealth. I hope everyone

Volume traded in past hour:


Number of transactions in past hour:


Number of holders on Tiramisu:


Liquidity Pool:

279 BTC / 1

Current Price:

50,000.0000 SAT

Market Cap Estimate:

50,000.0000 SAT