All assets / TaprootEve / Eve1450AngryEve

Asset image

Asset Name:


Asset Type:

Diamond NFT

Currency Acronym:

Total Supply:


Minting Transaction:

bc7af7aebea76b4ff8746c0c6385b0f4d83be2cd7170798114b8dcd9de887ff0 Mint

Asset ID:

9852c532cfd8089ca54e99bbbba87d9ab4fa92fd0ede120c15431e782037ea7e Copy

Create Date:

Feb. 5, 2024, 3:59 p.m.

Currency Description:

In a world of vibrant pinks and pixelated fashion, Eve emerged with white skin and a unique snake-on-hair hairstyle, but behind her anger-filled mouth and 3D glasses-clad eyes, she held the power...

Volume traded in past hour:


Number of transactions in past hour:


Number of holders on Tiramisu:


Liquidity Pool:

59 BTC / 1

Current Price:

3,333,333.0000 SAT

Market Cap Estimate:

3,333,333.0000 SAT